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    MessageSujet: tout en un   tout en un Icon_minitimeMar 16 Aoû - 19:07


    Diplômé en journalisme de l’University of Technology de Sydney, Hugh Jackman étudie la comédie à la Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts, avant de débuter devant la caméra dans la série télévisée australienne Correlli en 1995.
    L’acteur fait ses débuts sur grand écran en 1999 dans la comédie romantique Paperback Hero (en). C’est en 2000 qu’il connaît la consécration internationale en remplaçant au pied levé Dougray Scott, monopolisé par le tournage de Mission impossible 2, dans le film X-Men réalisé par Bryan Singer. Il reprendra son personnage de Wolverine, le mutant sauvage emblématique de la saga, dans les deux volets suivants : X-Men 2 (2003) et X-Men, l'affrontement final (2006). En 2002, Hugh Jackman interprète un hacker surdoué dans le thriller Opération Espadon ; c’est l’occasion pour celui que certains[Qui ?] comparent à Clint Eastwood de donner à nouveau la réplique à Halle Berry, sa partenaire dans X-Men.
    L’image de super-héros semble coller à la peau de Hugh Jackman, et c’est tout naturellement que le réalisateur Stephen Sommers et les studios Universal lui proposent d’incarner le chasseur de vampires Van Helsing dans le film éponyme en 2003. Toutefois l’acteur, qu’on a déjà vu jouer les jolis cœurs face à Ashley Judd (Attraction animale, 2001) et Meg Ryan (Kate & Leopold, 2002), trouve des rôles de plus en plus variés, qui lui permettent d’élargir son répertoire. Au cours de la seule année 2006, il campe un magicien de génie dans le Londres du début du xxe siècle (Le Prestige de Christopher Nolan) et un suspect no 1 aux allures de gentleman dans l’Angleterre d’aujourd’hui (la comédie policière Scoop de Woody Allen), passant d’une époque à l’autre à l’intérieur même de la fable onirique The Fountain d’Aronofsky. Il prête en outre sa voix aux films d’animation Happy Feet et Souris City. En 2007, il fait ses débuts de producteur avec la série Viva Laughlin!, diffusée sur CBS.
    Toujours désireux de se diversifier, Hugh Jackman continue de naviguer d’un genre à l’autre en 2008 : après avoir manipulé Ewan McGregor dans le bien nommé Manipulation (film qu’il produit avec sa société Seed Productions), le comédien foule le sol de son Australie natale aux côtés de sa compatriote Nicole Kidman dans Australia, fresque épique signée Baz Luhrmann. Puis il revient à ses premières amours, en arborant de nouveau les rouflaquettes et les griffes en adamantium dans X-Men Origins: Wolverine de Gavin Hood, spin-off centré sur le personnage qu’il incarnait déjà dans la trilogie X-Men.
    En 2012, il portera à nouveau le costume de Wolverine dans The Wolverine, intitulé à l'origine X-Men Origins: Wolverine 2, mais qui sera en fait un nouveau prequel. Cependant le projet a pris du retard, en effet, le réalisateur Darren Aronofsky qui devait diriger l'acteur a décidé de quitter le projet récemment.
    Au cours de sa carrière, il a travaillé avec des réalisateurs renommés : Bryan Singer, Christopher Nolan, Woody Allen, Baz Luhrmann.
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    MessageSujet: Re: tout en un   tout en un Icon_minitimeMar 16 Aoû - 19:08

    Comédies musicales

    Ce n'est pas un hasard si Hugh Jackman a été l’animateur de la 81e cérémonie des Oscars au Kodak Theater de Los Angeles, après avoir à 2 reprises animé la soirée des Tony Awards à New York. Ses talents de chanteur, danseur et animateur ("entertainer" dans le sens anglais du terme) ont explosé depuis 2004, année où il a repris le rôle de Peter Allen dans "The Boy from Oz" .D'une anecdotique comédie musicale australienne, il a fait un succès fantastique à Broadway, où il a joué à guichets fermés pendant environ un an. Puis, il a ramené "The Boy" en Australie pour une tournée triomphale durant l'été 2006, faisant tour-à-tour danser, rire, frissonner, pleurer et finalement chanter en choeur des salles entières. Mais auparavant, les spécialistes l'avaient remarqué dans la reprise londonnienne de "Oklahoma !" et dans "Sunset Boulevard" version australienne, où malgré sa jeunesse et son inexpérience, il tenait très honorablement le premier rôle masculin face à la grande Debra Byrne. Sa première expérience de "musical" avait été le rôle de l'insupportable Gaston dans la tournée australienne de "Beauty and the Beast", et il a aussi participé à "Carousel", un spectacle qui, sans être à proprement parler une comédie musicale, tenait plutôt du concert.
    En 2010, il a dansé dans plusieurs publicités pour la marque de boissons Lipton Ice Tea: dans un grand hotel à Tokyo, dans une rue de Buenos Aires, et sur une plage probablement en Argentine aussi; (il existe une version non dansée, uniquement à usage local). En 2008, il apparaissait déjà dans la publicité japonaise pour la bière Asahi; il courait dans les escaliers d'un immeuble pour arriver à temps sur la terrasse où se posait l'hélicoptère d'un important homme d'affaires.
    En Mai 2011, il propose une "performance" inclassable pendant 15 jours seulement au Curran Theater de San Francisco, dans laquelle il mêle chant, danse, vie professionnelle et vie privée; un vrai "one-man show" eclectique et original, composé selon ses propres goûts. Les billets s'arrachent, les critiques sont excellentes: le public est sensible à la simplicité, la chaleur, la générosité naturelles de cet artiste surdoué qui ne craint pas le contact avec ses fans. Le spectacle sera monté au "Princess of Wales Theater" de Toronto (Canada) en Juillet 2011, également pour 15 jours. Le Buzz sur Internet espère ensuite une tournée Européenne (Hugh et sa femme sont extrêmement francophiles), si le cinéma continue à lui en laisser le temps.
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    MessageSujet: Re: tout en un   tout en un Icon_minitimeMar 16 Aoû - 19:08


    Durant l'hiver 2009, Hugh Jackman qui habite désormais avec sa famille à Greenwich Village (New York), monte sur la scène du Schoenfeld Theater (Broadway) avec Daniel Craig (James Bond) pour une pièce contemporaine : "A Steady Rain", de Keith Ruff, un auteur de Chicago. Ce texte difficile et très noir, porté par une mise en scène minimaliste très efficace, leur vaut un grand succès. Bien que débutant sur les planches, Hugh Jackman y tient le rôle principal avec un brio incroyable.
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    MessageSujet: Re: tout en un   tout en un Icon_minitimeMar 16 Aoû - 19:09

    Vie Privée

    Hugh Jackman est marié à l'actrice et productrice australienne Deborra-Lee Furness, de 13 ans son aînée, et ils ont adopté deux enfants: Oscar Maximilien et Ava-Eliott. Ils ont un petit chien (dogue français) et un lézard à collerette.
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    MessageSujet: Re: tout en un   tout en un Icon_minitimeMar 16 Aoû - 19:09


    1994 : Law of the Land (série TV) : Charles « Chicka » McCray
    1995 : Correlli (série TV) : Kevin Jones
    1995 : Blue Heelers (série TV) : Brady Jackson
    1996 : La Saga des McGregor (Snowy River: The McGregor Saga) (série TV) : Duncan Jones
    1998 : Halifax f.p: Afraid of the Dark (TV) : Eric Ringer
    1999 : Paperback Hero : Jack Willis
    1999 : Erskineville Kings : Wace
    1999 : Oklahoma ! (TV) : Curly McLain
    2000 : X-Men : Logan / Wolverine
    2001 : Attraction animale (Someone Like You...) : Eddie Alden
    2001 : Opération Espadon (Swordfish) : Stanley Jobson
    2001 : Saturday Night Live (série TV) : Host
    2001 : Kate & Léopold : Leopold
    2003 : X-Men 2 (X2) : Logan / Wolverine
    2004 : Standing Room Only : Roger
    2004 : Making the Grade (TV) : Mr. Slattery
    2004 : Van Helsing, mission à Londres (Van Helsing: The London Assignment) (vidéo) : Gabriel Van Helsing (voix)
    2004 : Van Helsing : Gabriel Van Helsing
    2006 : Stories of Lost Souls : Roger (segment Standing Room Only)
    2006 : X-Men, l'affrontement final (X-Men: The Last Stand) : Logan / Wolverine
    2006 : Scoop : Peter Lyman
    2006 : The Fountain : Tomas / Tommy / Tom Creo
    2006 : Le Prestige (The Prestige) : Robert Angier
    2006 : Souris City (Flushed Away) : Roddy (voix)
    2006 : Happy Feet : Memphis (voix)
    2007 : Viva Laughlin (série TV) : Nicky Fontana
    2008 : Uncle Jonny : Uncle Russell
    2008 : Manipulation (Deception) : Wyatt Bose
    2008 : Australia : Drover
    2009 : X-Men Origins: Wolverine : Logan / Wolverine
    2011 : X-Men : Le Commencement : Logan / Wolverine (cameo)
    Prochainement Dates sujettes à modification :
    2011 : Happy Feet 2 : Memphis (voix)
    2011 : Real Steel : Charlie Kenton
    2012 : The Wolverine : Logan / Wolverine
    2012 : Butter : le père
    2012 : Snow Flower and the secret fan : l'amoureux Occidental
    2013 : X-Men 4 : The Revolution : Logan / Wolverine
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    MessageSujet: Re: tout en un   tout en un Icon_minitimeMar 16 Aoû - 19:09


    2001 : Saturn Award du meilleur acteur pour X-Men
    2008 : élu « homme vivant le plus sexy » de la planète (sexiest man alive) par le magazine People
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    MessageSujet: Re: tout en un   tout en un Icon_minitimeMar 16 Aoû - 19:10

    Doublage Francophone

    Hugh Jackman a été doublé en France par
    Joël Zaffarano : X-Men, X-Men 2, X-Men 3, l'affrontement final,X-Men Origins: Wolverine, X-Men : Le Commencement, Attraction animale, Australia, 'Real Steel
    Xavier Fagnon :Van Helsing, Le Prestige
    Bernard Gabay : Opération Espadon
    Arnaud Arbessier :Scoop
    Thibault de Montalembert : The Fountain
    Au Canada il est doublé par :
    Daniel Picard : Le Prestige, La Fontaine
    Gilbert Lachance : X-Men, Tromperie
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    Disciple de Hugh
    Disciple de Hugh

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    MessageSujet: Re: tout en un   tout en un Icon_minitimeMar 16 Aoû - 19:21

    eek eek super formidable wouhaou bon boulot bravo feu merci merci eek eek
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    Star consacrée
    Star consacrée

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    MessageSujet: Re: tout en un   tout en un Icon_minitimeVen 19 Aoû - 18:52





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    MessageSujet: Re: tout en un   tout en un Icon_minitimeMer 31 Aoû - 17:37

    Early life

    Jackman was born in Sydney, New South Wales, the youngest of five children of English parents Chris Jackman and Grace Watson, and the second child to be born in Australia (he also has a younger half sister, from his mother's re-marriage). One of his paternal great-grandfathers was Greek. His parents divorced when he was eight, and he remained with his accountant father and siblings, while his mother moved back to England. As a child, Jackman liked the outdoors, spending a lot of time at the beach and on camping trips and vacations all over Australia. He wanted to see the world: "I used to spend nights looking at atlases. I decided I wanted to be a chef on a plane. Because I'd been on a plane and there was food on board, I presumed there was a chef. I thought that would be an ideal job."
    Jackman went to primary school at Pymble Public School and later attended the all-boys Knox Grammar School, where he starred in its production of My Fair Lady in 1985, and became the captain of the school in 1986. Following graduation, he spent a gap year working at Uppingham School in England. On his return, he studied at the University of Technology, Sydney, graduating in 1991 with a BA in Communications. In his final year of university, he took a drama course to make up additional credits. The class did Václav Havel's The Memorandum with Jackman as the lead. He later commented, "In that week I felt more at home with those people than I did in the entire three years [at university]".
    After obtaining his BA, Jackman completed the one-year course "The Journey" at the Actors' Centre in Sydney. About studying acting full-time, he stated, "It wasn't until I was 22 that I ever thought about my hobby being something I could make a living out of. As a boy, I'd always had an interest in theater. But the idea at my school was that drama and music were to round out the man. It wasn't what one did for a living. I got over that. I found the courage to stand up and say, 'I want to do it'."After completing "The Journey", he was offered a role on the popular soap opera Neighbours but turned it down to attend the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts of Edith Cowan University in Perth, Western Australia, from which he graduated in 1994.
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    MessageSujet: Re: tout en un   tout en un Icon_minitimeMer 31 Aoû - 17:39


    Early work
    On the night of his final Academy graduation performance, Jackman received a phone call offering him a role on Correlli: "I was technically unemployed for thirteen seconds." Correlli, devised by Australian actress Denise Roberts, was a 10-part drama series on ABC, Jackman's first major professional job, and where he met his future wife Deborra-Lee Furness: "Meeting my wife was the greatest thing to come out of it." The show lasted only one season.
    After Correlli Jackman went on the stage in Melbourne. In 1996, Jackman played Gaston in the local Walt Disney production of Beauty and the Beast, and Joe Gillis in Sunset Boulevard.[4] During his stage musical career in Melbourne, he starred in the 1998 Midsumma festival cabaret production Summa Cabaret. He also hosted Melbourne's Carols by Candlelight and Sydney's Carols in the Domain.
    Jackman's early film work includes Erskineville Kings and Paperback Hero (1999), and his television work includes Law of the Land, Halifax f.p., Blue Heelers, and Banjo Paterson's The Man from Snowy River.

    Jackman became known outside of Australia in 1998, when he played the leading role of Curly in the Royal National Theatre's acclaimed stage production of Oklahoma!, in London's West End.[4] The performance earned him an Olivier Award nomination for Best Actor in a Musical. Jackman said "I totally felt like it can't get any better than this. On some level that production will be one of the highlights of my career."[7] He also starred in the 1999 film version of the same stage musical, which has been screened in many countries.

    In 1999, Jackman was cast as Wolverine in Bryan Singer's X-Men (2000), replacing Dougray Scott. His co-stars included Patrick Stewart, James Marsden, Famke Janssen, and Ian McKellen. According to a CBS interview in November 2006, Jackman's wife Deborra-Lee Furness told him not to take the role, a comment she later told him she was glad he ignored.
    Wolverine was tough for Jackman to portray because he had few lines, but a lot of emotion to convey in them. To prepare, he watched Clint Eastwood in the Dirty Harry movies and Mel Gibson in Road Warrior. "Here were guys who had relatively little dialogue, like Wolverine had, but you knew and felt everything. I'm not normally one to copy, but I wanted to see how these guys achieved it."[7] Jackman was adamant about doing his own stunts for the movie. "We worked a lot on the movement style of Wolverine, and I studied some martial arts. I watched a lot of Mike Tyson fights, especially his early fights. There's something about his style, the animal rage, that seemed right for Wolverine. I kept saying to the writers, 'Don't give me long, choreographed fights for the sake of it. Don't make the fights pretty."
    Jackman also had to get used to wearing Wolverine's claws. "Every day in my living room, I'd just walk around with those claws, to get used to them. I've got scars on one leg, punctures straight through the cheek, on my forehead. I'm a bit clumsy. I'm lucky I didn't tell them that when I auditioned."
    Jackman, at 6'2½ (1.89 m), stands a foot taller than Wolverine, who is said in the original comic book to be 5' 3". Hence, the filmmakers were frequently forced to shoot Jackman at unusual angles or only from the waist up to make him appear shorter than he actually is, and his co-stars wore platform soles. Jackman was also required to add a great deal of muscle for the role, and in preparing for the fourth film in the series, he bench-pressed over 300 pounds. An instant star upon the film's release, Jackman later reprised his role in 2003's X2: X-Men United, 2006's X-Men: The Last Stand, and 2009's X-Men Origins: Wolverine. He also cameos as Wolverine in 2011's X-Men: First Class.
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    MessageSujet: Re: tout en un   tout en un Icon_minitimeMer 31 Aoû - 17:42

    Jackman starred as Leopold in the 2001 romantic comedy film Kate & Leopold, a role for which he received a Best Actor Golden Globe nomination. Jackman plays a Victorian English duke who accidentally time-travels to 21st-century Manhattan, where he meets Kate (Meg Ryan), a cynical advertising executive. In 2001, Jackman also starred in the action/drama Swordfish with John Travolta and Halle Berry. This was the second time Jackman worked with Berry, and the two have worked together twice more in the X-Men movies.
    He hosted an episode of Saturday Night Live in 2001.

    Stage 2002–2009
    In 2002, Jackman sang the role of Billy Bigelow in the musical Carousel in a special concert performance at Carnegie Hall with the Orchestra of St. Luke's.
    In 2004, Jackman won the Tony Award and the Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Actor in a Musical for his 2003–2004 Broadway portrayal of Australian songwriter and performer Peter Allen in the hit musical The Boy from Oz, which he also performed in Australia in 2006. In addition, Jackman hosted the Tony Awards in 2003, 2004, and 2005, garnering positive reviews. His hosting of the 2004 Tony Awards earned him an Emmy Award for Outstanding Individual Performer in a Variety, Musical or Comedy program.
    Jackman co-starred with Daniel Craig on Broadway at the Schoenfeld Theatre in a limited engagement of the play A Steady Rain, which opened in previews on 10 September 2009 and closed on 6 December 2009.

    Films 2003–2008
    After 2003's X2: X-Men United, Jackman played the title role of monster killer Gabriel Van Helsing in the 2004 film Van Helsing. Jackman and the film were noted in Bruce A. McClelland's book "Slayers and Their Vampires: A Cultural History of Killing the Dead".
    Jackman was one of the choices to play James Bond in 2006's Casino Royale, but eventually lost out to Daniel Craig. Jackman starred in the 2006 film The Prestige, directed by Christopher Nolan and co-starring Christian Bale, Michael Caine, and Scarlett Johansson. As Robert Angier, Jackman portrayed a magician who built up a rivalry with contemporary Alfred Borden in attempt to one-up each other in the art of deception. Jackman stated that his main reason for doing The Prestige was to work with the musician David Bowie, who played scientist Nikola Tesla.
    Jackman portrayed three different characters in Darren Aronofsky's science-fiction film The Fountain: Tommy Creo, a neuroscientist, who's torn between his wife, Izzi (Rachel Weisz) who is dying of a brain tumor, and his work at trying to cure her; Captain Tomas Creo, a Spanish Conquistador in 1532 Seville; and a future astronaut, Tom, travelling to a golden nebula in an eco-spacecraft seeking to be reunited with Izzi. Jackman said The Fountain was his most difficult film thus far due to the physical and emotional demands of the part.
    Jackman also starred in Woody Allen's 2006 film Scoop opposite Scarlett Johansson. He rounded out 2006 with two animated films: Happy Feet, directed by George Miller, in which he voiced the part of Memphis, an emperor penguin; and Flushed Away, where Jackman supplied the voice of a rat named Roddy who ends up being flushed down a family's toilet into the London sewer system. Flushed Away co-starred Kate Winslet and Ian McKellen (Jackman's fourth time working with him).
    In 2007, Jackman produced and guest-starred in the television musical-dramedy series Viva Laughlin, which was canceled by CBS after two episodes. Jackman's 2008 movies included Deception (which he starred in and produced), Uncle Jonny, and Australia.
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    MessageSujet: Re: tout en un   tout en un Icon_minitimeMer 31 Aoû - 17:43

    In 2008, director Baz Luhrmann cast Jackman to replace Russell Crowe as the male lead in his much-publicized epic film, Australia, which co-starred Nicole Kidman. The movie was released in late November 2008 in Australia and the U.S.
    Jackman played a tough, independent cattle drover, who reluctantly helps an English noblewoman in her quest to save both her philandering husband's Australian cattle station and the half-caste Aboriginal child she finds there.
    Of the movie, Jackman said, "This is pretty much one of those roles that had me pinching myself all the way through the shoot. I got to shoot a big-budget, shamelessly old-fashioned romantic epic set against one of the most turbulent times in my native country's history, while, at the same time, celebrating that country's natural beauty, its people, its cultures.... I'll die a happy man knowing I've got this film on my CV."

    2009 to present
    Jackman's X-Men sequel film, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, opened in 2009.
    Jackman had a one-man show at the Curran Theatre in San Francisco from 3–15 May 2011. The production was a mixture of his favorite Broadway and Hollywood musical numbers, backed by a 17-piece orchestra, from shows including Oklahoma and The Boy from Oz. The show had a run-time of approximately 100 minutes, and also included slide shows of Jackman's youth, family, and work, as well as some one-on-one interaction with the audience. Jackman was backed by fellow musical theatre veterans Merle Dandridge and Angel Reda.

    Future projects
    Jackman also plans to play Billy Bigelow in a remake of Carousel
    Jackman is being considered, along with Ewan McGregor, to reprise the role of Joe Gillis in a new film version of the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical Sunset Boulevard.
    Jackman is working on creating a new comic book series, Nowhere Man, with U.S. publisher Virgin Comics and writer Marc Guggenheim, with hopes of adapting it to a film as well.
    Jackman stars in an upcoming movie named Unbound Captives, where he will play alongside his past co-star Rachel Weisz and Robert Pattinson.
    Jackman will star in The Greatest American Showman, a contemporary musical based on the life of P.T. Barnum. The female love interest part is being written with Anne Hathaway in mind.
    Real Steel (2011), a DreamWorks science fiction film.
    Director Lee Daniels has confirmed Jackman has joined the cast of his upcoming film Selma, a film about Martin Luther King Jr. and Lyndon Baines Johnson and the civil rights marches.
    On 27 January 2011, DreamWorks announced that Jackman will star in the film Rise of the Guardians, scheduled to be released on 21 November 2012.
    Jackman has been cast in Movie 43, an upcoming 2012 ensemble comedy.
    Jackman is in negotiations to star as Jean Valjean in a film adaptation of the musical rendition of Les Misérables.
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    MessageSujet: Re: tout en un   tout en un Icon_minitimeMer 31 Aoû - 17:44

    Production company

    In 2005, Jackman joined with longtime assistant John Palermo to form a production company, Seed Productions, whose first project was Viva Laughlin in 2007. Jackman's wife Deborra-Lee Furness is also involved in the company, and Palermo had three rings made with a "unity" inscription for himself, Furness, and Jackman. Jackman said, "I'm very lucky in the partners I work with in my life, Deb and John Palermo. It really works. We all have different strengths. I love it. It's very exciting."
    The Fox-based Seed label has grown in size to include execs Amanda Schweitzer, Kathryn Tamblyn, Allan Mandelbaum and Joe Marino, with Alana Free operating the Sydney-based production office whose goal is to mount modest-budget films to harness local talent in Jackman's home country.
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    MessageSujet: Re: tout en un   tout en un Icon_minitimeMer 31 Aoû - 17:46

    Other interests

    Charity work
    As a philanthropist, Jackman is a longtime proponent of microcredit – the extension of very small loans to prospective entrepreneurs in impoverished countries. He is a vocal supporter of Muhammad Yunus, microcredit pioneer and the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize winner.
    Jackman is a global advisor of the Global Poverty Project, for which he narrated a documentary; and he and the project's founder Hugh Evans visited the UN for the cause in 2009. Jackman hosted a preview of the Global Poverty Project Presentation in New York together with Donna Karran, Lisa Fox and his wife Deborra-Lee.[43] He is also a World Vision ambassador and participated in the climate week NYC ceremony on 21 September 2009.
    Jackman supports The Art of Elysium and the MPTV Fund Foundation, and he and his wife Deborra-Lee Furness are patrons of the Bone Marrow Institute in Australia. Jackman also narrated the 2008 documentary about global warming, The Burning Season.
    Jackman also uses his Twitter account for charity. On 14 April 2009 Jackman posted on his Twitter page that he would donate $100,000 to one individual's favorite non profit organization. On 21 April 2009 he revealed his decision to donate $50,000 to Charity:Water and $50,000 to Operation of Hope.
    Hugh Jackman and Daniel Craig made a unique place for themselves in the history of Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS fundraising 8 December 2009, when it was announced that they had raised $1,549,953 in the 21st annual Gypsy of the Year competition, from six weeks of curtain appeals at their hit Broadway drama, A Steady Rain.

    Sports and other activities
    Jackman has shown keen interest in sports. In high school, he played rugby union and cricket, took part in high jumping and was on the swimming team. He enjoys basketball and kayaking. He has expressed an interest in football, committing his support to Norwich City FC. In the United States, Jackman supports the Philadelphia Union of Major League Soccer, attending a game at PPL Park in June 2010. On 22 June 2011, Jackman again attended a home Union match against Sporting KC, sitting in front of the Sons of Ben supporters section, nicknamed "The River End".
    Jackman is a longtime fan and supporter of the Manly Warringah Sea Eagles, a NRL club based in Sydney's north. He sang the national anthem at the 1999 NRL Grand Final.
    Jackman plays the piano, does yoga, and has been a member of the School of Practical Philosophy since 1992.
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    MessageSujet: Re: tout en un   tout en un Icon_minitimeMer 31 Aoû - 17:47

    Personal life

    Jackman married Deborra-Lee Furness on 11 April 1996. They met on Correlli, an Australian television series. Jackman personally designed an engagement ring for Furness, and their wedding rings bore the Sanskrit inscription "Om paramar mainamar", translated as "we dedicate our union to a greater source".
    Furness had two miscarriages, following which she and Jackman adopted two children, Oscar Maximillian (born 15 May 2000) and Ava Eliot (born 10 July 2005).
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    MessageSujet: Re: tout en un   tout en un Icon_minitimeMer 31 Aoû - 17:48

    Awards and nominations

    1997 Variety Club Award for Best Actor in a Musical – Sunset Boulevard
    1998 Mo Award for Best Actor in a Musical – Sunset Boulevard
    1999 Australian Movie Convention, Australian Star of the Year
    2000 Saturn Award for Best Actor – X-Men
    2004 Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Actor in a Musical – The Boy from Oz
    2004 Theatre World Award – The Boy from Oz
    2004 Broadway Audience Award – The Boy from Oz
    2004 Drama League Award for Distinguished Performance of the Year – The Boy from Oz
    2004 Outer Critics Circle Award for Best Actor in a Musical – The Boy from Oz
    2004 TDF-Astaire Award for Best Male Dancer in Theatre – The Boy from Oz
    2004 Theater Fan's Choice Award for Best Leading Actor in a Musical – The Boy from Oz
    2004 Tony Award for Best Leading Actor in a Musical – The Boy from Oz
    2004 New York International Independent Film & Video Festival – Short Film Award for Best Actor – "Making the Grade"
    2004 Australian Showbusiness Ambassador of the Year
    2005 Emmy Award for Outstanding Individual Performance in a Variety or Music Program – 58th Annual Tony Awards Ceremonies
    2006 ShoWest Award for Male Star of the Year
    2006 Mo Award for Australian Performer of the Year
    2008 WAAPA – Chancellor's Alumni Award for Excellence, UTS Towering Achievement Award
    2008 Australian Dance Award for Outstanding Performance in a Stage Musical – The Boy from Oz
    2008 Australian Film Institute Award Readers' Choice
    2008 People Magazine's Sexiest Man Alive Award
    2008 Australian GQ Man of the Year
    2008 Teen Choice Award for Choice Actor in an Action Adventure X-Men Origins: Wolverine
    2009 Jackman had his hand and footprint ceremony on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on 21 April 2009.
    2009 Best Performance By A Human Male at the 2009 Spike Video Game Awards as Wolverine in X-Men Origins: Wolverine
    2010 People's Choice Award for Favorite Action Star – X-Men Origins: Wolverine

    1997 Mo Award for Best Actor in a Musical – Beauty and the Beast
    1998 Olivier Award for Best Actor in a Musical – Oklahoma!
    2001 Golden Globe for Best Actor in a Motion Picture Musical or Comedy – Kate & Leopold
    2001 CFCA Award for Most Promising Actor
    2006 Emmy Award for Outstanding Individual Performance in a Variety or Music Program – 59th Annual Tony Awards Ceremonies
    2006 Green Room Award for Best Male Artist in a Leading Role – The Boy from Oz
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    MessageSujet: Re: tout en un   tout en un Icon_minitimeMer 31 Aoû - 17:48

    Mentions in popular culture

    Jackman was chosen as People magazine's Sexiest Man Alive of 2008.
    In the ABC comedy-drama Scrubs, one of the more prominent running gags is Dr. Cox's (John C. McGinley) seemingly irrational hatred of Jackman.
    In the 7th season of Punk'd, Jackman was led to believe that he had accidentally blown up director Brett Ratner's house.
    On the Season 6, Episode 13 of Will & Grace, which aired on 10 February 2004, the character Jack McFarland (Sean Hayes), mentions he is going to see The Boy From Oz, because he can not wait to see Hugh Jackman. He later discusses wanting to sue Jackman for stealing some of his dance moves.
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    MessageSujet: Re: tout en un   tout en un Icon_minitimeMer 31 Aoû - 21:26

    eek super wouhaou bon boulot bravo merci merci
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    MessageSujet: Re: tout en un   tout en un Icon_minitimeJeu 1 Sep - 17:12

    DE RIEN Very Happy
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    MessageSujet: Re: tout en un   tout en un Icon_minitimeJeu 1 Sep - 22:07

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    MessageSujet: Re: tout en un   tout en un Icon_minitimeVen 2 Sep - 19:40

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